Thursday 18 November 2010

Final Magazine, initial design

This is my magazine front cover. I have placed the title in the top left hand corner. The font is white on a brown background, allowing it to stand out. I selected the brown colour from the guitar and have used this in the text on the cover as well. I have used more than one font to make the title page attractive but have used only three altogether, so it does not make the cover confusing. 

This is the contents page. It clearly links to the front cover as both titles are on the same brown background, linking them to the guitar. I have included another image from the asme photoshoot as well as a photograph of the guitar. This keeps the theme of music throughout the magazine. The two columns on the right contain a list of what the contents contains and the one on the left contains information about the magazine, for example, contact details and information about the model on the front.

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