This Magazine contents page lists the contents of the magazine down the right hand side of the page. It is on the right third of the page, while the title fills the top of the first and second thirds. The thirds used effectively separate the information on the page, so the reader can easily find what they are searching for. Two large pictures can be seen below the title, while two smaller ones overlap these. In addition there is an image of the front cover at the bottom in the left-hand third, with information beside it. The thirds have been constantly referred to during the organisation of the information on this page. The pictures are quite dark, showing a lot of black which link with the sub-heading backgrounds in the contents. The background is grey and the text is white, making it simple but showing a constant colour scheme. The title, however, is orange which draws attention to it, making it the most obvious and important part of the page.
This contents page also uses thirds to separate the information. The title goes across the second and third thirds, which also contain the list of articles within the magazine. Similar to the previous magazine, the contents its split into sections with sub-headings. There are also three pictures which add colour to the page. In the the left hand third is further information about the people involved in producing this magazine, on a cream background. This links with the colour of the title, keeping a constant colour scheme throughout the page. The contents however uses various colours for the text to separate the different sections. This makes the contents easy to read and very attractive.